Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 5

(Written yesterday)

VBS starts today! The ladies are teaching their cooking class, and the apple

pie looks delicious! We gave Pastor Otto and his family the gifts that mom and

I got, and they absolutely loved them! Ely (Pastor Otto's wife)

cried, and they all talked about

how they first wanted to thank God, and then us, and how this is how they

pictured heaven to be like. Where you can love someone without even being able

to communicate that well, just knowing that we have that special bond of being

brothers and sisters in Christ. Katey and I already know there will be many

tears shed the day we leave. Our translator, Edna, also feels like part of the

team, and we love getting to know her as well. J.T.'s ankle is doing better--

he's working on construction if that tells you anything. Reid has been a big

help with that as well, and everyone is being used. Continue to pray for the

team that our eyes will be focused on what God's will for the trip is, and that

what we do here will be a reflection of our personal relationships with God.

That we would be a mirror even if we can't communicate vocally, just by our

facial expressions and actions. Love and miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you too =) I'll be sure to address the country on how we'll be recieving you tomorrow so were all on the same page =)
